

Chocolate truffles

Melt the chocolate in a double saucepan, add butter and rum (and truffle aroma if you want) and put the resulting paste into the fridge.

Make it cool down for 1 hour until it gets cold.

Spread cocoa powder on a plate, on the cold chocolate-butter paste and on your hands.
With spoons and/or hands, make small balls with the paste (size ca. 3 cm) and roll them on the cocoa powder.
Put the cocoa-covered balls onto a tray with baking paper and keep in the fridge until serving.

Yes, that's it.

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Interessante . . . ma faccio parte di quelli vecchi e francofoni, lo farò tradurre dal Pc! :-)

Ciao, Fior (che arriva dai commenti di MattiaB)
Ci sono anche tante ricette (e altri post) in italiano.

Prima o poi... forse... tutto il blog sarà in tre lingue... quando avrò tempo... se avrò tempo...
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